Lee Financial Services

Lee Financial Services was established in 1960 as a financing outlet for the transportation industry. California Truck Centers utilizes in-house semi-truck financing to further promote trucking and support their customers with a wide selection of options when purchasing Trucks and Trailers. Please contact us for semi-truck financial services in California and get pre-approved today!

Truck Finance Programs Available

  • Straight Financing.
  • TRAC Lease.
  • Operating Lease.
  • Walkaway Lease.
  • Seasonal Payments.
  • And More...

Credit & Financing for Trucks in California

If you've decided you want to finance your new heavy-duty truck, light-duty truck, cab & chassis, conventional or van, you're not alone. Seventy percent of our clients finance theirs. With a minimum down payment and approved credit, you can arrange credit financing with us and get out on the road a few hours after picking out your truck. Because we finance more Isuzu, Battle Motors, RIZON, Western Star, and Freightliner semi-trucks than anyone else, we understand your special needs. Get your ideal truck leased today!


Lee Financial Services

Nou Thao

Nou Thao

General Manager

Name Nou Thao

Title General Manager


Pa Chang

Finance Manager

Name Pa Chang

Title Finance Manager


Phone: (559) 442-6062
PO Box 12346
Fresno CA, 93777

*Loans will be arranged or made pursuant to California Financing Law.*